Friday, May 13, 2005

Jojo and his toy cow

When Jojo was four to five months old, his favourite toy was a pink soft coy that made a `mooooooo' sounds when he bit it.

Thus inspired the following poem..

Oct 20, 2003

Staring intently at your toy cow
I know you want to tear it apart
So what are you going to do now

Would it taste better than a tart

You grab it and shake it so hard
Then gently you nibble each bit
Luckily you are not in the mud
Too excited you could get into a fit!

I wonder what is in your mind
When you lie still and your eyes open
Are you trying to give me a sign
you would like to be tossed and turned

Now you have finally fallen asleep
No more sound or the cow’s moo
Oh no! I’ve just lost a hair clip
I hope you’ve spared that too


Anonymous said...

I've got so many toys for my dog. My advice is don't buy any toy that is exactly their size. They might think that it's their other half.

jesscet said...

Thanks for the advice.. haha.. but no, the pink cow was just a small fraction of Jojo's size. Don't think i can find toys the size of my two Js! ;)