Friday, May 13, 2005

Dog Psychologist, Anyone?

You just can't read a dog's mind.

Jojo and Jelly couldn't be more different. While I can usually guess what Jelly is up to and also her behaviours and reactions, Jojo is a hard nut to crack.

Just take tonight. Everything was fine at first. When I reached home, he greeted me passionately (again) and after some petting and cuddling I came into the house and he followed me.

A round of doggie wrestling started again between the two.. its usual stuff now and probably part of their daily exercise.

When I sat down and had my late dinner (yes, again) Jojo seemed a little restless. He ran upstairs and downstairs. Jelly followed. But after a while the small one rather joined me and sat at my feet. Jojo was still wandering around.

Then I saw him walked into the dining room (which we only use when there are guests) and then after a minute or so he did not come out! I knew something was fishy.

True enough, when I turned on the light and walked towards where he was, and there, lo and behold, was a pool of urine on the marble floor!

Ok, I must add that this was not the first time he has done something like that. Ever since Jelly came as a puppy and had to be house trained, Jojo had in a few occassion peed in the house too. It was the `if she could do it, why couldn't i? ' kind of mentally. Quite understandable.

But now, Jelly has been totally house trained for months and she can hold her bladder well and only relieves herself when she is in the garden.

So why did Jojo do that?

Mind you, all the while the backdoor was wide open, he definitely could choose to go out into the garden to pee.

He knew he did wrong. He has guilt and fear written over his face and when I gave him that angry look, he just retreated and ran outside!

Sigh.. I was about to treat both of them nice pork ribs in the soup. But after what Jojo did, i only fed Jelly a little as fear of her being overweight.

After I finished my dinner, I went out to see him. He looked apprehensive and defensive. I reprimanded him verbally. I hope he knew what he did wrong.

I am trying to analyse his behaviour. Was he simply being naughty to seek attention? Or he really has an urge to do it indoor? Maybe the absence of dad and mom also affected him. Did he feel neglected during the day?

If only I could read his mind... is there a dog psychologist out there?

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