Tuesday, July 05, 2005

War Declared

I just can't believe there are people as recalcitrant, hard-hearted, rude and unreasonable as this.

Ok, maybe I was too direct in my `speech delivery', but whatever I said made sense. Instead of feeling guilty, this idiot neighbour of mine turned round to say I am barbaric and shooed me from his house compound.

When I came home and at just past midnight, I suddenly had the urge to check on Jasor. I knew for certain that he would be chained up to the Jeep. But still, I just wanted to look for myself.

True enough, poor Jasor was there, lying with eyes opened, and when he saw me in my car, he sat up and wagged his tails. I could see a pile of urine and another pile of shit around him. These people don't even have the common hygeine to let him do his business else where or at least clean it up!!

The lights in the house were lit and the main door opened. I uttered a short prayer and rang the door bell. But it didn't work. However, the small gate was unlocked so I entered.

I went to Jasor and he came to me. I had the urge to unchain him there and then but I know that is not a solution. I had to talk to the owners despite the late hours. I called up to the woman of the house who was sitting watching television. Ans I asked to speak to the husband too.

When they came out, I said in Mandarin I needed to talk to them about Jasor, and began by saying since they spent so much on buying a pedigree and sending him for training, why are they mistreating him now by chaining him all the time?

I said they could let him be free when the kids are no around, and chain him up when there are people. But he retorted by giving the `biting shoes' excuse again, to which I said get a cupboard for all your shoes!

As I spoke, maybe I got a bit carried away and my words became more stern, and in the ears of a Chinaman, this girl was probably down right rude! But I tried to make them understand that dogs can't be chained 24/7 year round!

What has to be said has to be said. I just gave them a piece of my mind and duly warned them that if they continued to treat Jasor this way, I would call the SPCA.

The woman was giving some silly excuse like `We do take him out quite often' but I can see the `black' expression on the man's face. Before I could even finished, he barked at me: `I don't welcome you here! I haven't seen someone so barbaric and rude! Get out of my house!"

"You think I wanted to come to your house if not for Jasor? Look who is the barbaric and rude one here. How could you treat your dog this way?" I replied in anger something like this with raised tone. Yes, a verbal fight had broken out.

The man kept repeating he didn't welcome me. (As if I care he did?) and when I said I would call the SPCA, he had the cheek to retort he would call the police to arrest me. Then he gloated: `call in the SPCA if you want. This is my dog and I do whatever I want! I don't welcome you here.' And he proceeded to shoo me out of the garden by pointing to the gate.

Indignant, I stroke Jasor on the head and walked off, still hearing his angry and insulting words. I could not help but and shouted back for a last say. (I can't really recall what were my exact words.. but something like he should become an animal in his next life..)

I was fuming in the car. And cursed (God forbid) under my breath that this man should go to hell for being self-righteous while mistreating his dog.

So, the `war' had started and I made no apologies for it. I know dad would not be pleased for he believes in maintaining amicable relationship with the neighbours. But too late... and I wouldn't care for a neighbour so cold-hearted, barbaric and who abuses animals.

Judging from his reaction, he is 100 per cent unrepentant. Well, I am unyielding too. I won't hesitate telling him off again if I see how Jasor being mistreated.

To this neighbour and his family, a dog is just another `play thing' they acquire. Something of a lowly animal category and they coould do whatever they want to it.

Poor Jasor.... :( I feel so bad for him and I truly worry for his welfare. When I saw my two Js just now, I just had to tell them how lucky they are.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Sickening irresponsible, cruel owners! I agree with u, it's better to report to the officials or SPCA/PAWS than closing 1 eye.