Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Jojo's 3rd `Evaluation' by Trainer

A trainer attached to MKA (Malaysia Kennel Association) of which i'm a member will be coming over to see Jojo on Saturday, after my two desperate calls to the head trainer last week and this week.

Much have been written about my Goldie's naughty, disruptive and sometimes aggressive behaviours. Some readers might be tired of reading another post lamenting on Jojo's wayward ways. Yes, it's high time for some professional help.

Actually this would be the third time a trainer visited Jojo. He was just a pup of about 7-8 months when I wanted to train him (yes, he was already very naughty and quite uncontrollable)so I was toying with the idea of sending him to a trainer.

However, the trainer adviced that it would be better to send him to obedience school so that there was more bonding. So there he went but besides learning some tricks while walking, his behaviour did not improve but deteriorated!!

So not long after that I found another trainer and after he met Jojo and `evaluated' him, he said there wasn't much problem at all and just gave us some tips in dealing with him. In fact, when we asked him why Jojo was always `bullying' my mom, he said the problem was not Jojo but my mom as she didn't know how to communicate with him. Poor mom...

Then just a couple of months back, I got some tips from MKA's head trainer himself over the phone and at one point, Jojo showed some improvement. However, it wasn't consistent and when he got really disobedient, I fumed and whacked him. At times, I don't know who began to be aggressive.. Later I was told that for dogs, agression only breeds agression.

Anyway, i have controlled myself and had not hit Jojo since. He hasn't become less naughty and I could not tell whether he has become less aggressive..

According to the head trainer after hearing Jojo's problems, he didn't seem very concern as he felt Jojo was more naughty and spoilt than aggressive or problematic by nature.

I hope he is right. I look forward to the trainer's visit and his diagnose on Jojo. And some proper ways of training methods that we could use on Jojo!

p.s. Despite being restrained by dad, Jojo ran out of the gate when mom came home just now and Jelly soon followed suit. Argh, back came two dogs drenched in the drizzle. Hope they don't catch a cold..

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