Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tutty Fruitty from Aussie!

Dad and mom brought back some lovely fresh fruits from Australia last Thurs.. They looked so pretty I thought of taking some photos.

Most of them have been consumed by now.. yep, they were delicious - sweet and juicy! :p

A box of Cherries

..and a box of Mangoes

Since I am in the mode of posting pix.. might as well let y'all have a look at our Christmas Tree this year.. I managed to put it up by end of Nov! This year round didn't buy any new ornaments so considering it's recycled stuff.. I think it doesn't look too bad at all! ;)

Was playing aroudn for different effects with my digital cam.

1. with `indoor mode' (with flash)

2. with `night-mode' (no flash)

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