The train that takes passengers right into Disneyland has cute Mickey-head-shaped windows!
Posing by the train...
We took more photo at the Disneyland station that was quite nicely designed
The entrance to the resort...
In front of the hallmark Cinderella castle
As it was Christmas season, there was a huge Christmas tree at the entrance!
We just couldn't resist taking a ride in a stationary Dumbo - so cute! ;)
Marie and I with our 3-D glasses on while queuing to watch a 3-D Mickey show which turned out to be one of our favourites! It was really cool - featuring smells as well as real effects!
The queues to take photos with cartoon characters were just too long so we settled for this huge mini soft toy..
The four of us by the `river' after taking a boat ride at Adventure land...
Pat and I joining in some `natives' to play the drums..
More pix at `Adventure Land'
With Tessa in front of `Tomorrow Land' which has some cool rides and shows!
Even the ice-cream came in Mickey-head shape!
We went on quite a number of rides and shows as well but somehow didn't take many photos.. And yes, we stayed back for the beautiful fireworks display that was truly in fairy-tale style..
The parting shot..
Yes, we had a wonderful fantasy-like experience where for a few hours, we had a lot of fun in a make-believe land.. but finally, we had say good-bye to Disneyland and come back to the real world..
Sounds like a great Disneyland day! ;) We did a whirlwind Disneyland tour because we got caught up shopping in the shops... I came home with a bit too many soft toys!
happy belated burpday!!! haha guess where i found out about this :p
oopss hahaha i'm so late, been so bz to catch up wid the blogs dat i din see your earlier birthday post :p
babe_kl: thanx, no probs :) well, u got to know thru my famous food blogger friend of course! ;)
Wow Jesscet, you must be having a great time NOT WORKING! Congrats to you. I have had no contacts with NST since Nov. Just wondering if there's anything I missed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you n loved ones.
yep, having a good time and quite busy too (i do work a bit la -freelancing) hmm, if u wanna know NSTP gossips, go to Rockybru's blog! ;)
thanks and merry christmas & happy new year to u and ur family! :)
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