Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Blissful New Year Day

I spent the first day of 2006 at home.. and how I am enjoying it! For so long... I have forgotten how nice it is sometimes just doing nothing in particular.

May be I should add to my list of NY resolutions.. That for 2006, I wish to have more `free' time, where I could have quality time of solitude, which was so lacking in 2005.

I had more than enough time today to take the two Js out for walks - one by one. I had the time for once to have a good look at my neighbourhood properly when it is not dark...and enjoy the outdoor and the breeze as me and Jojo and then Jelly took our strolls. If not because it rained again later, I would even spend some time in the balcony by mysefl..

Earlier in the day, I spent a couple of hours chit-chatting with Carmen, who slept over after watchnight service. It was something that I have not had the luxury to do with most of my friends these days... for communications are often restricted to sms, online chat or the occassional supper, lunch, post-service hanging out.

Two nights ago, I also had a heart-to-heart kinda talk with Lynn at her place and realised although we communicated frequently, there were many things in each other's life that we did not really know of. and glad we can share and encourage one another.

So, how was your new year count-down? Well, mine was done in church while I led the congregation to sing `My Tribute' as the clock turned minight and then everyone greeted one another warmly with shouts of `happy new year!'

Watchnight service was really good and meaningful, and I felt so blessed to be there although initially I felt a bit feverish in the evening but the Lord strengthened me as the service began. The encouraging testimonies and sharing from church members made it one of the best, if not THE best watchnight services I've attended. The turn out might not be as many as last year (the Tsunami special prayer night) but somehow you could feel God's Spirit was really working and He was using various individuals to speak to His church.

It was wonderful to usher in a new year amidst your brothers and sisters.. and although I was totally exhausted when I came home but my heart was filled with joy, peace and thanksgiving.

This morning, I just couldn't wake up for service.. considering the night before I slept at 3:30am and the previous day I had only 5 hours sleep.. but i felt it would be not right if I were to drag my feet to church service just because I felt obligated but when listening to Pastor's sermon I would wish I would still be in bed..

So yeah, I missed the first Sunday service of the year because I really needed the sleep, and I know God understands.. :)

But I am determined to have an `appointment' with God before I sleep tonight. I'm going to start anew with a constant devotion time for 2006.

Here's wishing one and all a blessed year ahead that's filled with love, peace and joy.

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