Wednesday, September 07, 2005

`Puppy Love'

I was pretty excited when I received several sms-es last Thursday morning (was in HK) from ML saying that their dog Forrest was in the process of giving birth! That was fast I thought. Then I found out later dog's pregnancy lasts only 60 days.

Since I got back last weekend, i planned to go see the five pups and finally tonight, I sort of self-invited myself to ML's place :p (but I was told I am welcomed anytime.) Coz I know if I procrastinate, the pups would have grown in size. I couldn't remember I have ever had a close encounter with newborn pups!

I brought Mee Mee along with me as we came from the first night of
KVBC (Klang Valley Bible Conference). She was as if not more excited than me to see the pups! Lynn who visited the pups told me roughly the size so I more or less had an idea who small they were.. But still I was awed to see them for real and it was such a delight to have tiny new lives in my hand..

They are black and are differentiated by the different white stripe patterns on their chest. They look even more jet black than their mom (a black/silver Miniature Schnauzer).

They were five-and-a-half-day old and their eyes were still closed. Their tails had been clipped on the third day (for Schnauzer somehow the pedigree standard means having short tails) . Poor things as I was told they cried so loudly. They could crawl quite slowly from one place to another...

But overall they look pretty vulnerable and helpless.. It makes me wonder how the stray pups survive but I guess the mother dog takes up the responsibility to protect and care for her pups.

That's the case for Forrest, who is barely a year old but has become a first time mother. According to Jia Ling, ML's niece and the offical dogs owner of the family, Forrest still likes to play but she would always look out for her children after a shortwhile. The pups are kept in a basket upstairs and she would often go up to see them and feed them.

Mee Mee asked whether it's troublesome to clean up after the pups but ML's sis told us that Forrest would actually lick and clean up all the mess (ie poo and urine) of the pups! Eeek..

And yes, Forrest can be protective but at least she is sporting enough to let us play with the pups. :)

Guess what? I had my packed dinner (courtesy of Mee Mee's mom) while watching a video of the birth process! I wasn't squirmish as I was pre-warned what to expect. It was quite enlightening..

Needless to say, I snapped many pictures of the pups since I brought along my camera and so did Mee Mee (using her phone).

Oh, when I reached home, Jojo and Jelly definitely could smell something different as they kept sniffing me!

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