Friday, February 02, 2007

deprived from blogging..?

So much ideas and inspirations, but so little time!!

Ever since Monday, I have been meaning to blog but alas, I was just so preoccupied with things.

What I wanted to blog on but didn't get to include:
  • the resuming of my personal training and new female trainer!
  • me finding it happy to be by myself when I go out - ie shopping, eating etc.. is it perculiar?
  • am now at the anticipation period - a new job, CNY looming...
  • a new shelf to accomodate my junks but how does a junkie spring clean the room?
  • etc. etc... emm... there are some more I'm sure but its a bit late for my brain to function now.
Last few days had been quite fun. This week definitely more fruitful than last week where I was just staying at home to recuperate from the horrible cough and flu. But this week, I was out and about every day. Yeah, I realise I can't be a homebody unless i'm not feeling well..

Anyway, can you beleive it's already February? January has slipped us by so stealthily and rapidly.. Argh, before we know it, it would be 2008!

Am looking forward to tomorrow (Friday) - a full day `outing' as a dear old friend from my boarding school days will be here! Gail is only staying two-nite-one-day in KL (yep she arrived late tonite and leaving early on Sat morning back to Canada!) So I volunteered to be her chauffeur. After picking up carless SL and then Gail, we will be having lunch at KLCC with a gang of friends and then go to hospital to visit Pat (poor girl still have prob a month there) and then all the way to Shah Alam to my godson's home. Yeah godson's mom has invited Gail for dinner.. but I will have to leave early to be back to PJ for the peer group meeting..

Gosh! a very packed day indeed!

Then why am I still blogging and not to bed? :p

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