Monday, November 19, 2007

NEW LOOK! (again but after some time)

Suddenly I got bored of my blog template layout.. I have been sticking to the same look for more than a year now!

Although Blogger isn't offering any new template design but I have figured out how to change colours and stuff so I just experimented with it. I had to try out three different templates to finally get it `right' and satisfied.

The only problem is, since the main background is now dark, some of my previous posts won't be legible if they're in dark text (I was posting against white background). Wonder who many people do read my backdated post though.. I may have to manually change the colours of those text to make them visible!!

Anyway, I like what I'm seeing..these are some of my favourite colours.. and I feel kinda creative, although I was just playing with colours only.

I hope you like it too. If not, tough luck! :p

update: June 08: This template mentioned above has been changed again!!


Dyson said...

Taste is a very personal thing.It is important that you like it and obviously you do and that should be the end of discussion.
However on the practical side of things the dark background prevents your readers from enjoying your blog and that is not good.For some it may be a turn off and may not come back.
This really defeats the purpose on embarking on this blog journey.Which brings me to the example of the Chinese Singapore lady in eastern Canada (the one named after a Chinese vegetable)whose entries were all "password protected".So what is the purpose of writing a blog if you do not want people to read it.She has since changed her ways but I for one have been so turned off by this wacky move that I have not returned!
I apologize for this rant but I do enjoy your blog and hope that you will continue sharing your journey with us.

jesscet said...

Hi Pat, thanks for your comments. you do have a point about the background colour but i think the content should be more important than the form, so as long as it's readable, colours should not be a hindrance. Having said that, knowing me, i will probably change the `look' of my blog again!

yep, i will continue to blog if inspirations strike! :)