Since I uploaded some new photos onto my pc just now, I ended up (not planned) tidying up all my folders in `my pictures'. Things were going ok until when i tried to tidy up some of the celebs photos I had into the `celeb_misc' folder.. and then I didn't know what happend... the folder just disappeared!
I frantically looked for it everywhere - in case in got lost inside another folder. Then I also did a few `search'. I tried and tried.. even in the recycled bin. But couldn't find it. It wasn't there in Windows anymore. Why??!!
I'm quite distraughted and disillusioned. Among the many pix inside were photos I took with HK celebs including Aaron Kwok, Justin and Vivian Chow just to name a few... and now they are all gone!!
Can I sue Microsoft for this?
At least I managed to recover the most recent celeb shots - as the shots are still inside my camera. This afternoon, I went for the press conference of Soler - a pop band made of twin brothers Julio and Dino Acconci - of Italian and Burmese parentage.

Yep, with their Italian blood, they look pretty dashing, charming and charismatic too. And they could speak 7 languages fluently! On top of that, they write their own music - folk rock/soul genre. Pretty impressive stuff too. I had a 15-min one-one-one, nope, one-on-two interview with them. :)
My editor seemed to be quite taken by them too so I had to go back to office to do a news/showbiz story for tomorrow and later another personality feature for Buzz.
Dino (on the right in the pix below) is the younger one by 90 mins, and is very easy-going while Julio, with an uncanny resemblance to Keanu Reeve, says he is the more `serious and uptight' one. But both of them were definitely amiable and friendly enough thus no problem to snag a pix with them..

At least I have this pix safe.. but I'm still really upset that all my other pictures of/with celebs are gone.. !!
Hi jesscet,
When i your review of We Are Family coming out? The only fun I had was when Gurmit Singh appeared for the cameo. They must have gotten the cast at a hefty discount.
Hi Chang Moh,
wanted to ask you what you thought of the movie but you rushed out of the cinema! well, my review's only coming out next thurs but i've written it already. i enjoyed it though it's really mindless and silly.. u're quite generous giving it a 2 1/2 star rating!
The pics should still be there. Emm. Maybe u dragged them into some other folder. Sigh. Wanted to see Vivian Chow =).
i thought so too but have looked in all the folders and the `search' could not find the folder's name! but i do have a pix of Vivian Chow and me printed!
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